IFMSA Call for Small Working Group | UNESCO World Bioethics Day 2019


  1. Background: Call for SWG members for the preparation of IFMSA's involvement in the upcoming UNESCO Chair in Bioethics World Bioethics Day 2019.

  2. Information summary: The call is for 1 SWG Coordinator and 3-4 SWG members.

    1. World Bioethics Day is celebrated every year on October 19th.

    2. The SWG will follow the guidelines presented by the UNESCO Chair in Bioethics, with the opportunity to decide on what IFMSA's final involvement is going to be.

    3. The SWG will work from May to late September.

  3. What You Need to do:

    1. Review the selection criteria and task descriptions included in this email.

    2. Submit your application through the form by May 10th, 23:59 GMT.

    3. Be available from May onwards until the beginning of October.

  4. Relevant Links:

    1. Application Form: here


We are very happy to open the call for the Small Working Group that will prepare the IFMSA participation in the upcoming World Bioethics Day 2019, held by the UNESCO Chair in Bioethics.


Every year, the UNESCO Chair in Bioethics celebrates the World Bioethics Day (WBD) on October 19th, through a variety of activities (e.g. International Competitions, awareness campaigns). This year, IFMSA is aiming to participate actively and support the celebrations, giving our members the opportunity to plan out and bring our involvement into fruition. The SWG will be basing its work on the recommendations and guidelines prepared by the UNESCO Chair in Bioethics World Bioethics Day committee. These will be sent to the SWG right after selection. The IFMSA LME will act as the liaison between the Chair and the SWG.

The objectives of the SWG include: - Create a timeline of the IFMSA activities for WBD, based on the timeline of the UNESCO Chair in Bioethics. - Make a plan for the activities IFMSA will be organizing building up to and during the WBD (the SWG will have the freedom to choose the types of activities). - Prepare all necessary logistical or promotional resources. - See aforementioned plan to completion, monitor closely and perform an evaluation once all activities are completed. - Prepare the report to be sent to UNESCO Chair in Bioethics after WBD concludes.

General Task Description

SWG coordinator (1 person):

- Coordinate the work of the SWG, in close communication with the LME.

- Be responsible for meeting deadlines and following the set timeline.

- Ensure motivation and participation of SWG members.

SWG member (3-4 persons):

- Be an active SWG member, communicate and interact with other participants, reply to emails, and engage in the development process.

- SWG members will set a timeline for the SWG's work and prepare the final plan for the IFMSA involvement.

- SWG members will prepare all logistical materials regarding the final plan for activities.

Selection Criteria:

1. Experience in the topic of Bioethics.

2. Motivation to join the SWG and follow up plans.

3. Gender and regional balance.

To apply for this SWG, please fill in this application form until the 10th of May, 23:59 GMT. The SWG is expected to begin work around May 20th.